Solid & Hazardous Waste Landfills

Our team has experience in siting, permitting, and designing solid and hazardous waste landfills in several locations throughout the U.S.

In addition, design and installation of methane monitoring and recovery networks, design of groundwater recovery and treatment systems, design of solid waste transfer stations, design of liner systems, all aspects of environmental monitoring and investigations at active and inactive landfill sites, as well as remediation of contaminated sites. We provide client support for all aspects of solid waste management - from siting and feasibility studies to site investigations, remediation, and closure. Our staff of professional scientists and engineers is committed to employing proven technologies as well as innovative techniques to provide cost-effective solutions to solid waste management problems.

Site Characterization & Permitting

Regulatory Support

Groundwater and Soils Investigations

Routine Groundwater Sampling

Methane Monitoring

Statistical Analysis and Reporting

Vapor Intrusion Investigations and Remediation

Corrective Measures Studies

Groundwater and Methane Remediation

No-Migration Demonstrations

Baseline Hydrogeological and Soils Studies

Geotechnical Evaluations

Seismic Analysis

Alternative Liner System Evaluations and Design

Groundwater Modeling

Wetlands and Stormwater Support

Permit Application Preparation

Community Information Support

Landfill Design





Construction Management

Groundwater and Landfill Gas Monitoring

Statistical Data Analyses

Hydrogeological Site Investigations