Mine Reclamation
Our team provides expertise on hundreds of projects with varying site conditions, including high altitude, remote locations.
Hydrometrics provides professional, technical, and construction services for all phases of abandoned mine reclamation projects. Hydrometrics’ emphasis is on identification and implementation of cost effective remediation methods tailored to project regulatory and reclamation action objectives. Our staff of scientists and engineers have experience conducting reclamation activities at hundreds of active and abandoned mine sites in the western United States.
Acid rock drainage (ARD) characterization and mitigation
Groundwater characterization
Soil and mine waste amendment and revegetation
Stream channel and riparian area rehabilitation
Mine waste repository design
Mine opening closure including capping and hydraulic plugging
Water management planning to minimize water quality impacts and water treatment requirements
Passive water treatment including
Anoxic limestone drains and open limestone channels
Constructed wetlands
Biotreatment cells
Active water treatment including
Lime precipitation and sludge recycling
High density sludge water treatment
Preparation of Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analyses documents at mine reclamation sites