Mine Permitting & Compliance

Mine design, permitting, and compliance requires the services of experienced scientists and engineers with a comprehensive understanding of the owner/operator’s needs as well as the regulatory framework. We can provide the necessary support for your mining project, from sand and gravel pits, to underground or open pit mining for industrial minerals, to coal mines.

Site Characterization

Regulatory Support

Surface Water, Groundwater, and Soils Investigations

Baseline and Compliance Water Sampling

Wetlands Mapping and Delineation

Statistical Analysis and Reporting

Groundwater Modeling

Geochemical Studies and Modeling

Geotechnical Evaluations


Regulatory Support

Baseline Hydrology, Geochemical, Hydrogeological, and Soils Studies

Groundwater Modeling and Analysis

NPDES and Stormwater Permitting

NEPA Analysis and Support

Wetlands 404 Permitting

Permit Application Preparation

Community Information Support