Water Resources & Hydrogeology

Our expertise in evaluating complex hydrological systems has earned us the respect of clients and regulatory agencies.

The services we provide include all aspects of water resource investigations for both surface and groundwater systems, water rights, and public water supply design and certification. We also provide client support to develop new supply sources or to expand existing systems. Our engineering staff can design, cost, and oversee construction of pumps, lift stations, piping, and other aspects of distribution systems. Our team is experienced with Montana’s regulatory requirements and the Montana DEQ and DNRC staff in Helena and regional offices.

Hydrogeologic testing using packers. Near White Sulphur Springs, Montana, photo by Sarah Kintner, 01/13/2022

Hydrogeologic testing using packers.

Sampling groundwater to assess the performance of the Point Ruston site cap.

Our experience ranges from basin-wide groundwater investigations to siting and construction of individual wells and includes over 100 sites with contamination problems such as metals, arsenic, petroleum products, pesticides, PCBs, solvents, cyanide, and a variety of other organic and inorganic compounds. These investigations have been conducted at abandoned mine sites, oil refineries, smelters, railroad facilities, pipelines, manufacturing sites and waste contaminant facilities. A number of these sites are CERCLA/RCRA (Superfund) sites.


Regional Groundwater Analysis

Geological Mapping

Aquifer Testing

Well Design, Installation and Completion

Groundwater Modeling

Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction Modeling

Sole Source Aquifer Evaluations

Well Rehabilitation

Water Right Evaluation and Acquisition

Geochemical Analysis

Contaminant Fate and Transport Evaluation/Modeling

Groundwater Remediation

Engineering Design of groundwater pumping and handling systems

Groundwater sampling, analysis, and monitoring

Computer-based geochemical, solute transport, and flow modeling

Complete reports and reviews of groundwater related programs, plans, standards and procedures

Environmental baseline investigations

Contaminant investigation studies and plume delineation

Interception and control of contaminated groundwater

Water quality and water level databases

Groundwater recovery and treatment

Monitoring well installations

Remedial investigations/feasibility studies (RI/FS)

Remedial design/remedial action (RD/RA) plans

Permits and authorizations for land and water cleanup

Design and Location of injection wells

Industrial and resource development permits

Groundwater Flow & Transport Modeling

Environmental Demolition and Remediation

Project Planning/Bid Documents

Oversight of Asbestos, PCB, and ERM Removal

RCRA, CERCLA and Brownfields Redevelopment

Project Management

Environmental Remediation

Design of Environmental Cover Systems

Hazardous and Solid Waste Landfills



Design of Geosynthetic Liner Systems

Design of Alternative Cover Systems

Methane Recovery Systems

Mine Repository Design and Monitoring

State Superfund and Petroleum Remediation Sites

Vapor Intrusion Investigation and Mitigation

Municipal and Industrial Water Supply and Treatment

PCB Remediation

Ag Waste Design

Construction Quality Assurance/Quality Control Oversight

Construction Inspections

Water Supply & Distribution

Exploration, Drilling, and Sampling experience involving:

Auger drilling

Air rotary drilling

Direct push sampling

Standard Penetration Testing (SPT)

Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT)

Vane shear testing

Test pit excavation and sampling

Installation of monitoring instrumentation

Geotechnical Analysis

Bearing Capacity


Seismic Analysis

Seepage Analysis

Slope Stability Evaluation and Modeling

Geotechnical Design

Dam Design and Rehabilitation

Flexible and Rigid Pavement Design

Foundation Design

Retaining Wall Design

Water Rights

Hydrologic Investigations

Well siting

Well installation and testing

Aquifer testing and analysis

Groundwater/surface water interaction

Surface water discharge monitoring

Basin wide hydrologic evaluations


Physical and legal availability

Evaluation of water needs

Adverse effects analysis

Hydrologic assessment in closed basins

Development of mitigation plans

Evaluation of historic consumptive use